I am a 36 yr old Australian male who was diagnosed with a an Oligodendroglioma in the left frontal lobe on 01.01.2000. "Happy New Year."
I started sleepwalking in 1990 and from 1990 - 2000 I suffered from massive headaches, nausea, memory loss, severe behavioural swings and these symptoms would kick in and out at their leisure.
My main problem was that no-one believed I was sick and that I was just lazy and was an idiot. So much so I believed it and in 1995 I attempted suicide by gassing myself in the car. Obviously it didn't work, thank God.
Don't let anyone tell you are not ill when you know you are. Get a CT or MRI as soon as possible. Don't let "It can't happen to me" stop you.
I was in the military and have a very detailed medical record of these events and would be happy to share any of my knowledge with others. I have had surgery and am still on the road to recovery.
Bevan Taylor
Howlong, NSW